Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Weird Repair solutions I've Seen

I what to talk about why people online keep posting "Speed Up your computer Tricks", Most of the time involving Registry hacks. Now i have no problems with people posting msconfig help they are all good but most of the time they recommend going into your registry and editing some setting. Now the only thing i like about this trick is it keeps me in business when i have to clean the mess up. some of the registry tweaks are just plain stupid like one speeds up the time in witch the menus open up, now let me tell you a safer way to speed up opening the menus, ready, click on them. Most of the novices are going to be using the mouse to open menus anyway so just click. Now in the next few days i will be posting some useful but small advice about computer maintenance and when i get a video camera working i will also post youtube vlogs about computer repair. So `tell next time peace and please post useful tips on computer repair and maintenance.

William Edward McCormick

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