Sunday, December 6, 2009

Delays in my moving plans

The move to my own hosted blog, wordpress, is being delayed until early January. Was planning it for November but something came up. Will post more when tonight when I get the chance.

William Edward McCormick

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Going to be changing blog sites

As some people know i am highly contemptuous over BlogSpot because if its inferior futures. My main problem is its lack of Trackback URL support, it does have a “what links here” option but it is very limited.

So in a few weeks i am going to be setting up a website and i will host my own blog on that. I will be using WordPress.

just a heads up.



William McCormick

Friday, August 28, 2009

Old song updated to new times

The Broad Band - Internet Killed The Video Star


Monday, August 17, 2009

Do You Wanna Date My Avatar? Funny Video

This video is funny if you are a nerd, geek, or just a gammer.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Posting this from my phone

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Personality Profile From FaceBook



Trait Explanations

In order to interpret your raw trait scores, they were compared to the first 350,000 people to complete the full MyPersonality Big Five questionnaire. This allows the way that you described yourself to be put in the context of how other people respond to the questionnaire. You should remember that there are no fundamentally good or bad personalities, as each trait description has potential advantages and disadvantages. To help you reflect on these, you have also been given some questions which ask you to consider the implications of your trait descriptions. Other people viewing your personality profile will not be able to see these.


This trait refers to the extent to which you prefer novelty versus convention. Approximately 24.2% of respondents have a lower openness raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who dislikes needless complexity, and prefers the familiar over the unusual. You might say that you are more conservative than many, but not to an extreme level, and that you value practical outcomes over flighty imagination.

Reflective question: How do you respond to people who have lots of new ideas?


This trait refers to the extent to which you prefer an organised, or a flexible, approach in life. Approximately 3.5% of respondents have a lower conscientiousness raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is impulsive and whimsical, and fine with it! From your responses it appears that you would say that sometimes decisions need to be made quickly, and that you make them quicker than most! You would say you are zany, colourful, and just generally great fun to be with... as long as someone isn't relying on you to get some work done.

Reflective question: How do you feel when you are working with someone who is very organised?


This trait refers to the extent to which you enjoy company, and seek excitement and stimulation. Approximately 3.5% of respondents have a lower extraversion raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is quiet and somewhat withdrawn. Your answers describe you as someone who doesn't need lots of other people around to have fun, and can sometimes find that people are tiring.

Reflective question: How do you like to spend your spare time?


This trait refers to the way you express your opinions and manage relationships. Approximately 16% of respondents have a lower agreeableness raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is willing to make difficult decisions when necessary, and will point out when something is wrong no matter what other people might feel. Your responses suggest that you would say that you can be tough and uncompromising.

Reflective question: When others are experiencing problems, what do you do?

Neuroticism (Emotional stability)

This trait refers to the way you cope with, and respond to, life's demands. Approximately 98.6% of respondents have a lower neuroticism raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who tends to be more self-conscious than many. Based on your responses, you come across as someone who can find it hard to not get caught up by anxious or stressful situations. You might say that you are in touch with your own feelings.

Reflective question: When do you not feel in control of your emotions?

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

2009 Livonia Spree FireWorks

2009 Livonia Spree Fireworks from william mccormick on Vimeo.

2009 Livonia Spree Fireworks that i shot when i was there

Saturday, May 9, 2009

what is to come

Why have i not had a video in a month

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

Another Way To Look At Terms Of Service Agreements: Wordle Visualizations

there is a website that will take your words and makes word Clouds of them people have used it to make word clouds of Terms Of Service Agreements.

Here is what i did with the YouTube Community Guidelines
Wordle: youtube Community guldlines


the artical on

Another Way To Look At Terms Of Service Agreements: Wordle Visualizations

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Saturday, February 7, 2009

ok going back to YouTube Embeds

OK I will be going back to YouTube embeds for my blog it makes things easier to manage and deal with as I am on YouTube more often than the others.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Review of Skype 4.0

As many of you probably know by now Skype Limited released Skype 4, here is my take on it. i edited out a name of a user that just has a user name as a display name

  1. First love the Unified interface, had some people say it was not good but i like it
    • Base
  2. you have tabs to switch from your Conversations and Contacts list
    • Contacts
  3. You can now press Video Call to start a video chat. Before you had to make the call, then press begin video
    • Video Call

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Poll Results

What languages would you like to see a Hello World in?

  1. 5
  2. C++ 5
  3. C++/CLI 4
  4. C 3
  5. Python (easy) 1
  6. Ruby (easy) 0

Video containing the Poll results.

Video location

Saturday, January 31, 2009

A new Headline thing

All about William

↑ Grab this Headline Animator

This will be replacing my current section on the RSS feeds

Just click on the Grab This Headline Animator to embed this in your own website.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

Upcoming Video, RSS feeds.

My next video will be on RSS feeds. been preparing for it for a hour now and here is a outline of what i will do.

  1. Show Live bookmarks in Firefox
  2. Show a similar future in IE7.
  3. Show how to subscribe in both browsers using this blog and also YouTube's site.
  4. Show how to Subscribe in a Feed Aggregator the program will be RSS Bandit.
  5. Show a link to a Wikipedia article


Any other notes that you think i forgot? Leave a comment. Remember i allow anonymous comments


William McCormick

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How to make it on YouTube

Watch the video in the order they appear it will look better

video location

video location This got messed up when youtube rendered it and this is my 4th attempt.

olga's video

olga's channel

my blog

fallow me

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Updates for the blog and YouTube

A few updates that will be happening on this blog also on YouTube;

  1. The poll has been extended until  1/31/2009
  2. I will be posting a more Complete update on all of my policies, will be called “my promises to my Readers/viewers”
    • I may put a video up; but will have a link to it on my YouTube channel
  3. I will no longer post only on YouTube. I will still have YouTube Exclusives but i will also have Exclusives on others websites (example Vimeo, etc)
  4. will be posting new blog posts with no videos on them

Friday, January 9, 2009


youtube URL

This is a small review of TwitterFox

Fallow Me

Sunday, January 4, 2009

my Theory was not Correct

In a previous post I stated that I thought I cracked the Numbers for the Thumbnails on Youtube but I was wrong. But I do think I have found out another way but I will have to test that.


New video coming soon

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Windows Live Beta Review

Youtube Video Link

to download Windows Live Beta

my post with the review of Windows Live Writer Beta

the Google code article about Youtube Embeds

What is my Theory on the Thumbnail selections for youtube?

just leaving this up for Historical reasons

soon i will have a new video up on, this video will be testing out a Hypothesis i have about the Thumbnail selection.

My theory is that it still selects at 1/4 , 1/2 , and 3/4 like always but this time instead of smack dab in the middle of the times it spreads 5 sec before and after those points, at random.

Now the question will be how did i come up with these numbers. Well, for the last videos i have been putting in small clues that i would see but others would dismiss as normal. in screen shots simple mouse moves that i do not normally do.

What i have noticed is, The Thumbnails that i can select from are always ± about 5 sec’s from the exact 25% 50% or 75% points. so later today or tomorrow i will be posting a video on my youtube channel Reviewing Windows Live Suit, with a little how to on Windows Live Writer.

To those that are interested This is a low quality pic from Twit pic that should be a thumbnail. The only difference is i will have a Start menu and a Widget dock over the Image.

Click on the Thumbnail to see a High quality image.

this is my desktop background for people interested in what m... on TwitPic

Friday, January 2, 2009

Share files over a network on Windows Vista


youtube URL

How to Share Files over a Network on Vista

Thursday, January 1, 2009

To my Loyal readers

My next Youtube video will have a delay for posting to the blog by a few hours. I will be using that video to shoot the next video showing how to use Windows Live Writer.